As it turned out the wheels were a good fit. And the sprocket count (6) in the back is the same. Also I had some Jagwire X-Caliper brake shoes in stock that were very reasonable. So after installing the wheels and tires I replaced the brake shoes. Then it was time to clean-up the derailleurs and chain-rings and guard. I used the White Lightning Clean Streak on the derailleurs. For the guard and chain-rings I used Simple Green bio-degradable de greaser. I also used it on the top of the bracket shell where the tubes intersect. I forgot to mention than the one piece crank was a bit loose. I tightened that up before cleaning up the chain rings & guard. Well now we are getting somewhere. I noticed the seat post (black) was badly scratched. Well I removed it with the saddle still attached and sanded it down quickly. Then after wiping off the dust I gave it a quick coat of black satin enamel. I used the still attached saddle as a handle while spraying the post. Now it is just a matter of cleaning up the frame and wheels and tires. I did have to straighten the front reflector bracket. That only took a minute. Once I put the seat post back on minimal insertion (fresh paint). This little $12.50 bike is looking pretty good.
The one thing I did not mention was how dirty this thing was. I think the previous owner lived on a dirt road that gets treated. (chloride) While they kept most of the frame pretty clean, the front and rear derailleurs were really bad. Once the chloride soaked dirt sets into the chrome parts you will have a tough time making them shine. I was lucky they (derailleurs) cleaned up pretty nice considering. Also I noticed the stem was up way past the minimum insertion mark. So I loosened it up and dropped it down to the max (safe) height. Also gave me a chance to align the stem with the front wheel. Now it is ready to be photographed and posted on the net. I`m not sure how much I have invested because I don`t remember what I paid for the parts bike (Pacific). I don`t imagine I gave more than 20.00 for it though. And I did strip it today and will no doubt use some of the parts on future projects. I have not started the Fuji Tourer 3 yet. I got busy with some masonry work. Tomorrow I think I will do another quick fix on a really good quality kids single speed BMX Bike (Specialized). Well that`s all I have for today. Until next time Please Ride Safe and Remember to Always... RESCUE RESTORE & RECYCLE
Great I have one in Dunedin NZ 2010 - 15 speed rides well...
ReplyDeleteIs that blue paint supposed to be satin finish as I polished mine up???
ReplyDeleteMine is definitely 15 speed cited in the graphics also. Chainwheel is basic and not futuristic like yours.I painted the pedals black too as chrome was rusting.
Hey Peter, Yes it is a Satin finish paint job. But it does look pretty much the same as a sun-faded lacquer paint job. And the Chain- Wheel is the original.(as far as I know)Also yours is correct. This one also started life as a fifteen speed as well.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Peter
ReplyDeleteYeah, That`s a nice frame.Probably one of the best Huffy ever built. Not to many other Huffy
models with a "Life-Time Frame" sticker. (on the lower seat tube) Every once in a while Huffy takes a huge step-up in quality. I think this bike was one of those times.
Dunedin NZ. Wow! the world is getting to be a small place. Glad you stopped by, Don`t be a stranger. Cheers,Hugh
Hi Hugh,
ReplyDeleteThanks for prompt replies..
Your colour graphics suggest yours is a true 18 speed.
I have posted pics of mine at 'huffy_asylum15' on flickr. may be hard to find as so many huffys on flickr. I posted some of yours to ilustrate a comparison . I hope you don't mind but I could not figure out how to sigh into this blog to contact you direct..not expecting a reply at all ( :Do I have your permissions for this? I cut my paint or clearcote and waxed it, then added silcone spray topping..looks great.where did you get the techno chainring cover?
Sure you can use the photo of the Huffy Asylum. No Problem.
ReplyDeleteI do appreciate you letting me know. The thing that really does bother me is. When someone uses one of my bike pictures to represent their bike "for sale". There is(or was)a guy selling a bike on craigslist annarbor mi using a photograph of mine.(Next Mtn Bike 60.00) He might be the current owner,I don`t really know. But even if he is, it is not a current picture. And it is not an honest representation of what the bike looks like now. That really yanks my chain.
P.S. I stand corrected, my Asylum was an 18 speed. And the guard was on there when I got it, So I can`t help you there.
Cheers thanks, is the lack of stem height a bother for you? I am only 5'7" but need a bit more height for my back
ReplyDeleteI did not re-furbish this bike for myself. I only rode it a few times while "setting it up"
Quickly sold this one to finance the next project. This is my "hobby" and hopefully eventually my business. Right now I am finishing-up a Nottingham Raleigh "Sprite" and a Canadian Pacer "special Edition 15 Speed" I will be posting them both real soon. I am always happy to answer any questions you
might have about your bike.(if I can) I do restore bikes for myself but this was not one of them. Cheers, Hugh
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