Hello and Welcome, It seems like I have been all over the place lately with the restorations and other posts. But in reality, that is exactly how it happens in the shop. When I am waiting for parts to arrive I normally jump into another project. Sometimes I can finish a complete restoration project while waiting for a special order to arrive. When I last posted about the Giant (including the rust-removal post) We had finished the bottom bracket and crank. The headset was rebuilt and I had cleaned-up the brakes. Oh yes and we had a seat-post. And I believe I had done some work on the wheel-set. So I will try to pick it up from there.
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Above: The Shimano rear derailleur all cleaned-up and be re-mounted. The derailleur is in good shape. But honestly, I would have expected something a little nicer on a Giant.
Above: The front derailleur all cleaned-up and mounted. The chain I used is not new, but is in excellent condition. I cleaned and lubed the chain and it is running smoothly through the rear gears and jockey wheels. I used White-Lightning "Clean-Streak" on the derailleurs and will lube them with Tri-Flo.
Above: I went with a Phat tire. These are 26 x 2.125 Cruiser Tires. These are not Kenda they are C.S. They appear to be the exact same tread pattern as the Kenda. I think they might use the same mold. I went with black-walls because I liked the way the black-walls looked on the Black Ross High-Tech I overhauled for a friend a while back. Don`t let the "knobby looking" tread pattern fool you, These babies roll smooth.
Above: Look closely and you can see the original rear axle is bent. The pie-plate was yellowed and brittle. I could hear the plastic cracking as I tried to remove it. So I promptly tossed it in the wheelie-bin. (a garbage can with wheels) I just happened to have a matching axle in stock. Yah gotta get lucky once in a while!
Above: I must admit, It does look better without the pie-plate. The replacement axle is actually a hair shorter. I think it looks better "nearly flush" with the axle-nuts. Note the new Jag-Wire derailleur cable. I did re-use the housing, it was in fine condition. (no cracks/no rust) The wheel polished-up nicely (after brushing) and looks good with the new phat tire. (all the cables were eventually replaced with new Jag-Wire cables)
Above: An "out of focus" shot of the new jag-wire brake shoes. I think the Jag-Wire logo looks real cool. Next time I`ll try to get a better shot.
I swapped the shifters for a nearly identical set (actually a little nicer) off a parts bike. One of the originals was cracked. The right (rear) shifter can be switched to friction. And I think That is Great! Especially with a cheaper rear derailleur. The Velo Ergonomic Gel Grips are very comfortable. And as you will see, are a good match with the saddle. They are also the same combination I used on the Nishiki "Garbage Day Rescue" bike.
Above: A shot of the Velo Tempo Z1 Saddle. The saddle and grips are both very affordable and both very comfortable as well. Note the ZeFal tail light mounted on the seat-post, which is set a little low. This bike is a little tall but still very comfortable for me.
I went with two Ze'Fal water-bottle cages. I can go through one bottle of water very quickly this time of year. At 7.99 a pop it is not a huge expense. I have seen these at Walmart, K Mart and Miejer`s and at my LBS. And they do also match the gray and black saddle and grips. (not intentional)
I also made another last minute change and added these dual-sport pedals with old fashion toe-clips and straps. I don`t care what you call them, but I do not like plastic pedals. Except maybe on a child`s tricycle.
Above: So here is the finished project, I think it came-out pretty good. That is the same Ze'fal light set I have been using lately. You can find these for under 20.00 U.S.(if you shop around a little) I use them more as "be seen" lights, as I do not normally ride after dark or before sun-rise.
Above: The Giant Attraction shown from the left side. I also installed a new Greenfield kickstand. I have had to purchase a few kickstands lately. It seems my supply of quality "salvaged kick-stands" is exhausted.
Above: A front-left view of the bike. I`m going to have trouble pricing this one.
I may offer it at one price including lights and two cages, and a lesser price with no lights and one cage. Or I may add a rear rack and front mud-guard and offer it up as another Urban Commuter. I really hate this part. I wish I could keep them all or give them all away. But this rescue and recycling thing has to pay for itself.
Well that just about covers it for this restoration. While I was waiting for the tires to arrive I worked on the bike I used in the rust-removal post. It came out
really sweet. I knew it was going to be a nice little bike when finished, but it has surpassed my wildest expectations. Also all that is left to do on the Parliament is to replace the rear wheel with the refurbished original. And also do the paint touch-up. Coming up with a price for that one is going to be a nightmare.
Above: The last preview of the Parliament before I finish it. I really mean it this time..LTMS
Until Next Time, Ride Safe and Remember to Always RESCUE, RESTORE & RECYCLE
Cheers, Hugh
The Mittens that Everyone Needs
12 hours ago
Hugh the Giant looks very sharp - no surprise- and somebody will be lucky to have it. Just remember when you are pricing these bikes that your time and expertise have value and I doubt there are many other "pre owned" bikes in your area that will come close to quality and care you put into your projects. In short don't undersell what you are doing. Looking forward to seeing more on the Parliament
ReplyDeleteHey Ryan,
ReplyDeleteThanks, And your right. I need to get a fair price for my work.(as we all should) I came down a little on the last bike I sold. It was already a "more than fair" price. I should not have budged on my price. I`m still a little annoyed that I caved. But "live and learn".
After truing it I put the original rear wheel on the Parliament this morning. Then I started the paint touch-up process. Tomorrow I will "wet sand" what I did today. Then I will know if I`m on the right track. I don`t know why, but green is always tough to match.
If all goes well, the Parliament should be 100% by mid week. The hardest part is waiting for the paint to dry. Thanks again.
I agree - the Giant is uncommonly sweet.
ReplyDeleteThanks Steve!
ReplyDeleteIt's a tough deal trying to sort out the pricing thing. I'm looking at that Giant and saying $400. But there they are at K-Mart selling Pseudo-Gooses and (shudder) "Schwinns" for $200. It takes an Educated Consumer to understand the difference in value of Old World (Michigan) craftsmanship and those Two Wheeled Headaches the Big Box hustles onto the unwashed masses. Whatever the case may be, Hugh, reading your Blog lowers my blood pressure and gives me hope.
ReplyDeleteAnd that Giant has one sexy cockpit. Made me go Vroom, Vroom! yer buddy, TPC
Thanks TPC, I ended up pricing it a wee bit lower than that at $300.00 But I did not have to replace any high-dollar components. As long as the "bike thing" supports itself, well that`s good enough for now.
ReplyDeleteI`m glad to hear that reading the blog lowers your blood pressure. Being a former mason-contractor, I can really relate to that one. Hey! Go easy on the Vroom, Vroom! it`s not good for the blood pressure! lol
Thanks for the positive feed-back. And Good-Luck with your bicycle venture as well.