I`m going to try to make this brief. I know I said no more Department Store "Kids Bikes". This is a full size Men`s bike. And, in it`s own way "Special". First the handlebars, are those cool or what? The other thing, it is "as far as I can tell" 100% original. I`m not sure of the year. The Magna Badge (decal) looks different from the ones I see now. When I first saw the bike it looked pretty dingy. Every chrome part was covered with surface rust. But I loved those handlebars! So I decided to give it a closer look. The surface rust, while wide-spread did not appear so deep that it could not be removed. Then the tires, all the nubs were there, and the center raised part of the tread was still thick. Once I got it into the light I could see that the paint was near perfect as were the graphics. The few minor scratches, probably happened while being hauled to the thrift store. I wish I could have been there before the bike was stuffed into the trunk. I imagine the paint was perfect because it is damn near perfect now. The only thing I remember replacing is the brake shoes. I replaced them with Jag Wire X Caliper brake shoes . As for the rust removal I picked up two fine brass brushes on the way home. Fortunately I had a good supply of Turtle Wax T-280RA Chrome Polish & Rust Remover in the shop. Thank God for Turtle Wax. That evening I started cleaning it up. I concentrated on the handlebars and stem. I really wanted to see those babies all shined up! The next day I spent the entire day removing parts and polishing and reinstalling them. And cleaning up the frame, fork and saddle. On the 26 inch mountain bike gum-wall tires I always use Permatex 01406 DL Hand-Cleaner. It really does a good job, and seems to hydrate the gum-walls too! By early evening I was wheeling it out of the garage. This bike could have easily been "passed-up" if only given a glance. That is why I have learned to look closer before just passing on a project bike. After a while you become a pretty good at judging the severity of surface rust. But be ready to use lots of elbow grease!. It does take some hard work and patience to bring a bike back from the brink. But well worth the effort. .Correction: I did replace the pedals with a used set I like better. And I replaced one (or both?) of the brake cables too! Hey it`s early! And I haven`t had my coffee yet!..lol Ride Safe. And Remember to Always...... "Rescue Restore & Recycle"
Riding Packed, Plowed Rail Trails
6 days ago
Great post! I've just recently come across one of these myself, and although the saddle appears different from yours pictured, everything else seems original. Did you ever come across anymore information about it, the age, etc.? Believe it or not, aside from your blog and a recent online auction, I've found no other mention of this model online anywhere.